Directives Reference


Defines jvm shared library path. When auto is used it will auto-detect jvm path otherwise it should be a real jvm shared library path. e.g.

C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.7.0_25/jre/bin/server/jvm.dll


Defines a varaible which can be reused in jvm related directives such as jvm_var, jvm_classpath, jvm_options.


jvm_var myRoot '/opt/javalibs';
jvm_var myAgent '#{myRoot}/agent.jar';
jvm_classpath '#{myAgent}:/opt/anotherLibs/*';


Defines class paths those are separated by ":" (Unix like OS) or ";" (Windows) . When '/*' is used after a directory path all files and direct sub-directories will be used as the jvm class path entries. e.g. If /opt/mylibs has below structure.

-----------/classes   (direct sub-directory)
-----------/resources (direct sub-directory)

And we use below declaration.

jvm_classpath /opt/mylibs/*;
## there are two equivalent declarations which use quote mark. It is useful when there are some special chars such as ' ', ';' etc.
## jvm_classpath '/opt/mylibs/*';
## jvm_classpath "/opt/mylibs/*";

It is equivalent to

jvm_options '-Djava.class.path=/opt/mylibs/a.jar:/opt/mylibs/b.jar:/opt/mylibs/'

We can also define serveral class paths by using separator : (UNIX like OS) or ; (Windows), e.g.

jvm_classpath /opt/mylibs/*:/opt/my-another-libs/*:/opt/my-resources;
## for windows user
# jvm_classpath c:/mylibs/*;c:/my-another-libs/*;c:/my-resources;

Note that the behavior about wildcard * here is different from -cp or -classpath option of jdk/jre java command where wildcard * only means jar files and non-jar files and sub-directories won't be included.


Enables/disables checking access permission of jvm classpath. Default is on.


Defines one jvm option. e.g.

## set initial Java heap size
jvm_options -Xms250m;

## set maximum Java heap size
jvm_options -Xmx1024m;

## set java thread stack size
jvm_options -Xss128k;

## set java system property
jvm_options -Djava.awt.headless=true;


Enables thread pool mode and defines the threads number of thread pool. Default is disabled.


Defines the default handler type it will be inherited by child server/location/nested-location context and it will be overwrited by directives such as content_handler_type, access_handler_type, and so on. When we use jvm init handler/exit handler we must define it.



jvm_handler_type java;

## or for clojure
jvm_handler_type clojure;
jvm_init_handler_name foo.core/my-jvm-init-handler;


public class MyJvmInitHandler implements NginxJavaRingHandler {
  public Object[] invoke(Map<String, String> fakeReq) {
    //do some initializing here
(ns foo.core)
(defn my-jvm-init-handler[_]
  ;;; do some initializing here 



jvm_handler_type clojure;
jvm_init_handler_code '(fn[_]




jvm_handler_type clojure;
jvm_exit_handler_code '(fn[_]


When handlers_lazy_init is on the related handler instance won't be created until the first related request comes. be inherited by child server/location/nested-location context.


auto_upgrade_ws on is equivalent to

//NginxHttpServerChannel sc = r.hijack(true);
//If we use nginx directive `auto_upgrade_ws on;`, these three lines can be omitted.
if (!sc.webSocketUpgrade(true)) {
		return null;



Defines an external content handler. e.g.

(ns my.hello)
(defn hello-world [request]
  {:status 200
   :headers {"Content-Type" "text/plain"}
   ;response body can be string, File or Array/Collection/Seq of them
   :body "Hello World"})

Then we can reference it in nginx.conf

       location /myClojure {
          content_handler_type 'clojure';
          content_handler_name 'my.hello/hello-world';
package mytest;
import static nginx.clojure.MiniConstants.*;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public  class Hello implements NginxJavaRingHandler {

		public Object[] invoke(Map<String, Object> request) {
			return new Object[] { 
					NGX_HTTP_OK, //http status 200
					ArrayMap.create(CONTENT_TYPE, "text/plain"), //headers map
					"Hello, Java & Nginx!"  //response body can be string, File or Array/Collection of them

In nginx.conf

       location /myJava {
          content_handler_type 'java';
          content_handler_name 'mytest.Hello';
   package mytest;
   import java.util.Map;
   public class HelloGroovy implements NginxJavaRingHandler {
      public Object[] invoke(Map<String, Object> request){
         [200,  //http status 200
          ["Content-Type":"text/html"],//headers map
          "Hello, Groovy & Nginx!" //response body can be string, File or Array/Collection of them

In nginx.conf

       location /myJava {
          content_handler_type 'groovy';
          content_handler_name 'mytest.HelloGroovy';


Defines an inline content handler. e.g.

location /hello {
  content_handler_type clojure;
  content_handler_code '
    (fn[r] {:status 200, {:content-type "text/plain"}, "Hello, Nginx & Clojure!"} )
location /groovy {
    content_handler_type 'groovy';
    content_handler_code ' 
         import java.util.Map;
         public class HelloGroovy implements NginxJavaRingHandler {
            public Object[] invoke(Map<String, Object> request){
               return [200, //http status 200
                       ["Content-Type":"text/html"], //headers map
                       "Hello, Groovy & Nginx!"]; //response body can be string, File or Array/Collection of them


Defines one content handler property. All of those content handler properties belonged to one location will be pass to the related content handler 's method config(properties) if the content handler implements the interface nginx.clojure.Configurable.



Specifies a rewrite handler by a full qualified name. A rewrite handler can be used to set Nginx variables or return errors before proxy_pass or content ring handler. If the rewrite handler returns phase-done (Clojure) or PHASE_DONE (Groovy/Java), nginx will continue to invoke proxy_pass or content handler. Otherwise if the rewrite handler returns a general response, nginx will send this response to the client and stop to continue to invoke proxy_pass or content handler.

Note: All rewrite directives, such as rewrite, set, will be executed after the invocation rewrite handler even if they are declared before nginx rewrtite handler. So the below example maybe is wrong. For more details about Nginx Variable please check this
nginx tutorial which explains perfectly the variable scope.

    location /myproxy {
          ## It maybe is WRONG!!!
          ## Because execution of directive `set` is after the execution of Nginx-Clojure rewrite handler
          set $myhost "";
          rewrite_handler_type clojure;
          rewrite_handler_name 'myns.handler/my-rewrite-handler';
          proxy_pass $myhost

This example is right and there we declare variable $myhost at the outside of location { block.

    set $myhost "";
    location /myproxy {
      rewrite_handler_type 'clojure';
      rewrite_handler_code 'myns.handler/my-rewrite-handler';
      proxy_pass $myhost;
(ns myns.handler
  (:require [nginx.clojure.core :as ncc]))
(defn my-rewrite-handler[req]
		;compute myhost (upstream name or real host name) based req & remote service, e.g.
	  (let [myhost (compute-myhost req)])
			  (ncc/set-ngx-var! req "myhost" myhost)


Specifies a rewrite handler by a block of inline code.


 set $myhost "";
 location /myproxy {
    rewrite_handler_type 'clojure';
    rewrite_handler_code '
     (do (use \'[nginx.clojure.core]) 
			  ;compute myhost (upstream name or real host name) based req & remote service, e.g.
			  (let [myhost (compute-myhost req)])
			  (set-ngx-var! req "myhost" myhost)
    proxy_pass $myhost;


Defines one rewrite handler property. All of those rewrite handler properties belonged to one location will be pass to the related rewrite handler 's method config(properties) if the rewrite handler implements the interface nginx.clojure.Configurable.



Access handler runs after rewrite handler and before content handler (e.g. general ring handler, proxy_pass, etc.). Access handler has the same form with rewrite handle. When it returns phase-done (Clojure) or PHASE_DONE (Groovy/Java) , Nginx will continue the next phase otherwise nginx will response directly typically with some error information, such as 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, etc.

Here's an example to implement a simple HTTP Basic Authentication.

          location /basicAuth {
               access_handler_type 'java';
	             access_handler_name 'my.BasicAuthHandler';
	 * This is an  example of HTTP basic Authentication.
	 * It will require visitor to input a user name (xfeep) and password (hello!) 
	 * otherwise it will return 401 Unauthorized or BAD USER & PASSWORD 
	public  class BasicAuthHandler implements NginxJavaRingHandler {

		public Object[] invoke(Map<String, Object> request) {
			String auth = (String) ((Map)request.get(HEADERS)).get("authorization");
			if (auth == null) {
				return new Object[] { 401, ArrayMap.create("www-authenticate", "Basic realm=\"Secure Area\""),
						"<HTML><BODY><H1>401 Unauthorized.</H1></BODY></HTML>" };
			String[] up = new String(DatatypeConverter.parseBase64Binary(auth.substring("Basic ".length())), DEFAULT_ENCODING).split(":");
			if (up[0].equals("xfeep") && up[1].equals("hello!")) {
				return PHASE_DONE;
			return new Object[] { 401, ArrayMap.create("www-authenticate", "Basic realm=\"Secure Area\""),
			"<HTML><BODY><H1>401 Unauthorized BAD USER & PASSWORD.</H1></BODY></HTML>" };


Specifies a access handler by a block of inline code. See access_handler_name.


Defines one access handler property. All of those access handler properties belonged to one location will be pass to the related access handler 's method config(properties) if the access handler implements the interface nginx.clojure.Configurable.



Specifies a header filter by a full qualified name.

We can use header filter to do some useful things, e.g.

  1. monitor the time cost of requests processed
  2. modify the response header dynamically
  3. write user defined log

Header filter has the same return form with rewrite handler/ access handler. When it returns phase-done (Clojure) or PHASE_DONE (Groovy/Java), Nginx will continue the next phase otherwise Nginx will response directly typically with some error information.

This example will add more headers to the response.

      location /javafilter {
	          header_filter_type 'java';
	          header_filter_name 'my.AddMoreHeaders';
package my;


	public  class RemoveAndAddMoreHeaders implements NginxJavaHeaderFilter {
		public Object[] doFilter(int status, Map<String, Object> request, Map<String, Object> responseHeaders) {
			responseHeaders.put("Content-Type", "text/html");
			responseHeaders.put("Xfeep-Header", "Hello2!");
			responseHeaders.put("Server", "My-Test-Server");
			return Constants.PHASE_DONE;
      location /javafilter {
	          header_filter_type 'clojure';
	          header_filter_name 'my/remove-and-add-more-headers';
(ns my
  (:use [nginx.clojure.core])
  (:require  [clj-http.client :as client]))
(defn remove-and-add-more-headers 
[status request response-headers]
  (dissoc!  response-headers "Content-Type") 
  (assoc!  response-headers "Content-Type"  "text/html")
  (assoc!  response-headers "Xfeep-Header"  "Hello2!")
  (assoc!  response-headers "Server" "My-Test-Server") 


Specifies a header filter by a block of inline code. See header_filter_name.


Defines one header filter property. All of those header filter properties belonged to one location will be pass to the related header filter 's method config(properties) if the header filter implements the interface nginx.clojure.Configurable.



Specifies a body filter by a full qualified name.

We can use body filter to modify/replace body content.

A stream faced Java body filter should implement the interface NginxJavaBodyFilter which has this method:

public Object[] doFilter(Map<String, Object> request, InputStream bodyChunk, boolean isLast)  throws IOException;

For one request this method can be invoked multiple times and at the last time the argument isLast will be true. Note that bodyChunk is valid only at its call scope and can not be stored for later usage. The result returned must be an array which has three elements viz. {status, headers, filtered_chunk}. If status is not null filtered_chunk will be used as the final chunk. status and headers will be ignored when the response headers has been sent already. filtered_chunk can be either of

  1. File, viz.
  2. String
  3. InputStream
  4. Array/Iterable, e.g. Array/List/Set of above types

A string faced Java body filter should extends the class StringFacedJavaBodyFilter which has one protected method to be overriden:

protected Object[] doFilter(Map<String, Object> request, String body, boolean isLast) throws IOException

This method has the same return value with NginxJavaBodyFilter.doFilter.

This example will make to body content to upper case.

      location /upperfilter {
	          body_filter_type 'java';
	          body_filter_name 'my.UppercaseBodyFilter';
package my;


public static class UppercaseBodyFilter extends StringFacedJavaBodyFilter {
		protected Object[] doFilter(Map<String, Object> request, String body, boolean isLast) throws IOException {
			if (isLast) {
				return new Object[] {200, null, body.toUpperCase()};
			}else {
				return new Object[] {null, null, body.toUpperCase()};
      location /upperfilter {
	          body_filter_type 'clojure';
	          body_filter_name 'my/uppercase-filter';
(defn uppercase-filter [request body-chunk last?]
  (let [upper-body (.toUpperCase body-chunk)]
      (if last? {:status 200 :body upper-body}
        {:body upper-body})))


Specifies a header filter by a block of inline code. See body_filter_name.


Defines one body filter property. All of those body filter properties belonged to one location will be pass to the related body filter 's method config(properties) if the body filter implements the interface nginx.clojure.Configurable.



Defines an external log handler. e.g.

Nginx log handler will be called just before the request is destroyed and its return result will be ignored. In a log handler we should not modify any thing about this request such as header, status. response, body and so on.

e.g. we can write access log just like - x 26/Oct/2019:13:54:08 +0800 GET /cljloghandler/simpleloghandler HTTP/1.1 200 20 x curl/7.64.0 - x 26/Oct/2019:14:44:57 +0800 GET /cljloghandler/simpleloghandler HTTP/1.1 200 20 x curl/7.64.0 - x 26/Oct/2019:14:59:03 +0800 GET //cljloghandler/simpleloghandler HTTP/1.1 200 20 x Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.169 Safari/537.36 

location /hello {
  log_handler_type java;
  log_handler_name mytest.MyLogHandler;
  log_handler_property logUserAgent on;
	public static class SimpleLogHandler implements NginxJavaRingHandler, Configurable {
		boolean logUserAgent;
		public Object[] invoke(Map<String, Object> request) throws IOException {
			File file = new File("logs/SimpleLogHandler.log");
			NginxJavaRequest r = (NginxJavaRequest) request;
			try (FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file, true)) {
				String msg = String.format("%s - %s [%s] \"%s\" %s \"%s\" %s %s\n", r.getVariable("remote_addr"),
						r.getVariable("remote_user", "x"), r.getVariable("time_local"), r.getVariable("request"),
						r.getVariable("status"), r.getVariable("body_bytes_sent"), r.getVariable("http_referer", "x"),
						logUserAgent ? r.getVariable("http_user_agent") : "-");
			return null;

		public void config(Map<String, String> properties) {
			logUserAgent = "on".equalsIgnoreCase(properties.get("logUserAgent"));

		public String[] variablesNeedPrefetch() {
			return new String[] { "remote_addr", "remote_user", "time_local", "request", "status", "body_bytes_sent",
					"http_referer", "http_user_agent" };
location /hello {
  log_handler_type clojure;
  log_handler_name mytest/simple-log-handler;
(ns mytest
  (:use [nginx.clojure.core]))

(defn simple-log-handler
    (spit "logs/SimpleLogHandler.log" 
          (str (get-ngx-var r "remote_addr") " - "
               (get-ngx-var r "remote_user" "x") " "
               (get-ngx-var r "time_local") " "
               (get-ngx-var r "request") " "
               (get-ngx-var r "status") " "
               (get-ngx-var r "body_bytes_sent") " "
               (get-ngx-var r "http_referer" "x") " "
               (get-ngx-var r "http_user_agent") " "
          :append true ))

;;; make variables prefetched to access them at non-main thread
(def simple-log-handler (with-meta simple-log-handler {"variablesNeedPrefetch" 
                                        ["remote_addr", "remote_user", "time_local", "request", 
                                         "status", "body_bytes_sent", "http_referer", "http_user_agent"]}))


Defines an inline content handler. e.g.

location /hello {
  log_handler_type clojure;
  log_handler_code '
    (fn[r] (spit "logs/SimpleLogHandler.log" (str (Date.) ":" (:uri r) "\n") :append true ) )


Defines one log handler property. All of those log handler properties belonged to one location will be pass to the related log handler 's method config(properties) if the log handler implements the interface nginx.clojure.Configurable.


By default request body will not be read until invoke content handler. We can try always_read_body on; where we want to access the request body in a Java rewrite handler. It can be inherited by child server/location/nested-location context.


   set $myup "";

   location /readBodyProxy {
      always_read_body on;
      rewrite_handler_type 'java';
      rewrite_handler_name 'my.SimpleRewriteByBodyHandler';
      proxy_pass http://$myup;

Then we can get the request body in SimpleRewriteByBodyHandler.invoke.

		public Object[] invoke(Map<String, Object> request) {
			NginxJavaRequest req = (NginxJavaRequest) request;
			InputStream in = (InputStream) req.get(Constants.BODY);
			if (in != null) {


Shared map is used to share data among nginx worker processes without any other external services (e.g. redis, memorycached ) or libraries (e.g. SharedHashMap/Chronicle-Map, nginx lua shared dic). So far it has two implementations: tiny map & hash map both of which use MurmurHash3 32-bit to generate hash code. The key/value of shared hash map can be int,long,String, byte array.


  1. Tiny Map
    • entries number limit: 2^31=2.14Billions
    • total space limit : 4G (64-bit) / 2G (32-bit)
    • key size limit: 16M
    • value size limit: 4G (64-bit) / 2G (32-bit)
    • entry structure cost: 24 Bytes
    • table structure cost: entries x 4 Bytes
  2. Hash Map
    • entries number limit: 2^63 (64-bit) / 2^31 (32-bit)
    • total space limit : OS limit
    • key size limit: OS limit
    • value size limit: OS limit
    • entry structure cost: 40 Bytes (64-bit) / 28 Bytes (32-bit)
    • table structure cost: entries x 8 Bytes (64-bit) / entries x 4 (32-bit)

But note that if needed memory size is less than half of OS page size the real allocated size of nginx slab only can be 2^3 = 8, 2^4 = 16, 2^5 = 32,..., 2^(ngx_pagesize_shift - 1).So on 64-bit OS entry structure size of tiny map really uses 32Bytes hash map uses 64Bytes. We'll do some optimize work in the future versions.

Neither tiny map nor hash map will rehash entries because both of them will have a constant number of buckets once they are initialized.

${number of buckets}  =  round_up_to_power_of_2( ${entries} * 0.75 ) 

Optimization for int/long

Some optimization have been done about java int/long key/value, int/long key/value and they won't allocate additional memory because them are stored in the entry structure itself. e.g. in a hash map for a java long key (64bits) we will store it into

  1. entry.key (64-bit OS) or
  2. entry.key & entry.ksize (32-bit OS) because size of java long is constant we can reuse entry.ksize.

viz. use c code

*((uint64_t *)(void*)&entry->key) = ${64bits java long value};


Here's an example to use shared map to count uri access times.

In nginx.conf

    shared_map uri_access_counters  tinymap?space=1m&entries=8096;
;; be friendly to embeded nginx-clojure where we maybe def shared map before server starts
(def dsmap (delay (nginx.clojure.clj.ClojureSharedHashMap. "uri_access_counters")))

;; if uri not exists set 1 otherwise increase its count.
(when (zero? (.putIntIfAbsent @dsmap uri (int 1)))
  (.atomicAddInt @dsmap uri (int 1)))
// get the shared map. Mostly we do this in a handler
// (e.g. jvm init handler, content handler) 's constructor.
NginxSharedHashMap smap ="uri_access_counters");

//if uri not exists set 1 otherwise increase its count.
//putIntIfAbsent is a faster version of putIfAbsent for int value
if (smap.putIntIfAbsent(uri, 1) != 0) {
  smap.atomicAddInt(uri, 1);


When using http server channel if our response is very small we can set a smaller write page size for better performance. e.g.

location /small {
   write_page_size 1k;